Tuesday 12 March 2013

Problems and Risks/ SHOOTING DAY 1

SHOOOTING DAY 1: Green Screen
First of all practise shoot needed to be done so that we knew whether the green screen would work or not. Need to check availability of the drama studio, (where we are shooting) which we found to only be available for our use on Wednesday in second period. Also we had some problem accessing it so we ensured to specifically book it out to make sure no further delay is caused in filming. Had a few technical light issues, most of the time but managed to overcome them during editing. However due to the limitation of the software there are minor glitches in quality. The bird’s eye view shot for green screen as practised didn’t look as good hence we decided to use the other shots and positions mainly focusing on close ups but might be adding variety if it works well. The studio lights didn’t work, well most anyway/ focusing them in the right direction was a problem as they didn’t turn.

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